Mint Cucumber Gin and Tonic
Between a late afternoon swim and dinner preparation there is nothing quite as refreshing as a gin and tonic out on our patio. When you add some thin slices of cucumber and fresh mint to the mix it becomes even more special. Some recipes do not call for the traditional lime, but I find that it is still one of the best flavors in the drink. We are lucky to have a large patch of mint in the middle of our flower garden and it grows like a weed, even though it is at some risk of being overtaken by the lily of the valley. The mint is beginning to go to seed with the appearance of tiny purple flowers.
2 sprigs mint
3 or 4 thin slices cucumber
2 ounces gin
tonic water
wedge of lime
Strip leaves from the mint sprigs and place in the bottom of a tumbler with the cucumber slices. My tumbler is 12 ounces. Muddle the leaves and cucumber with the handle of a wooden spoon to release the flavors. Fill your tumbler with ice. Add gin and the tonic water so that your glass is about 3/4 full. Swish the liquid around and add your wedge of lime.